Friday, December 30, 2011


Nate and Tessa secured their places on the NICE list again this year. Santa left a mess of presents for each of them.
Tessa opening up her stocking. Please notice the mess Santa left in the background. Interestingly we found Comet's collar and jingle bells on our deck! Nate spotted it right away. We're pretty convinced that the bells fell off because Uncle Todd and Cole left out some beer for Santa!
It's hard to get pictures of super-speed present opener. This is Nate opening his stocking.
Hockey sticks!
A NINTENDO DS! Nate's said, and I quote, "Finally, they won't make fun of me anymore" referring to fellow school kids. So of course Troy and I felt like terrible parents. He followed that up by proudly saying, "I told them all some day I will come with a DS." Good Lord. Who knew there was so much drama associated with this gaming device. And, here's to the next 26 years or so of your gaming life, Nate.
Princess castle in a sea of other presents. Please notice that Tessa's mouth is open in all of the pictures because all she kept saying was "Yay!"
Yay! Roller skates!

Playing the DS...good thing Gramma Char mistakenly (or prematurely!) got them both some games because Santa brought a DS with a case and all sorts of accessories but WITHOUT ANY GAMES! Geesh?!?

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