Friday, December 16, 2011

Hollywood Studios

So I took a gazillion pictures on our Disney trip (notice I will keep referring to it as a "trip" because it was FAR from a vacation!) and I will certainly not be trying to share all of them. But I do want to share some highlights as we did have a really great and memorable time! Our first park stop on this magical Disney trip was Hollywood Studios. We actually really, really enjoyed this park. We even went back on one of our "days off" to catch a parade we had missed and go to a few things that the kids seemed to Star Wars and Indiana Jones! Of course, Nate and Tessa were all about the Toy Story stuff so that was our very first stop and well worth it. Surprisingly, that was our longest wait all week and it was only 25 minutes!

This was one of our first "autograph" encounters with the Green Army Man from Toy Story. The characters are much more accessible and seemed to walk around a lot more at Hollywood Studios.
Nate is down on the far end rockin' his guitar and that is Tessa in front with the piggy-braids jammin' her tambourine! They got picked to help "make a commercial" with Phineas & Ferb.
Nate and Tessa riding on some Star Wars thingy. Please notice Nate's Pluto hat. It was a very early souvenir purchase and one you will be seeing lots and lots of in these pictures!
Snack break. Eating milkshakes as big as our heads. We did the Disney Dining Plan and boy, we had plenty and plenty of food. Yep. That's me sporting the Minnie backpack. Cool mom. Never thought I'd be "that mom" or "that kind of tourist," but oh was I ever!

Honey I Shrunk the Kids playland.

Unfortunately all of the Jedi training classes were filled by the time we got to the park but we still enjoyed watching the demonstration. Right after taking this picture, Darth Vader walked over right in front of us and pointed straight at Tessa while she was sitting on Troy's shoulders. Nate and Tessa thought that was pretty cool!We went to Fantasmic that night and it was AWESOME! Unfortunately I don't have a fancy enough camera to take pictures of a light show so this was about as good as we got.
Me and my munchkins waiting at the show. Seriously. How obnoxious is that Pluto hat?!
Do you think these kids are having fun at Disney yet? Posing with one of many "towel sculptures" of the week. Our housekeeper was really great at this and surprised us every day with something cool!

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