Thursday, December 15, 2011

Friday Night Scavenger Hunt

So, on December 2nd the kids came home after school to find Buddy the Elf (Santa's spy Elf on the Shelf) holding a special letter for them. Because they didn't want to curse Santa's magic they knew they were not allowed to touch Buddy. They were tortured until Daddy got home to get to the letter out of Buddy's hands. Much to their surprise it was a letter with a clue for a brief scavenger hunt around the house. The final clue led them to Mickey Mouse backpacks chock full of Mickey stuff (Thanks Gramma Gayla!). They were excited enough about that but nearly lost their marbles when we told them they were gonna get on plane the next morning to fly to Disney World to see Mickey and all of his friends! Nate's reaction and I quote, "OMG, we're going to Disney!" Yes, he said "OMG." Not "oh my god/gosh." Hilarious. Tessa, poor thing, was concerned about the cost immediately and says, "but I thought it's 'spensive?" Her reaction is directly related to Troy having told them a million times over that Disney World is really expensive. He didn't lie. It is. Mickey, in so many words, raped us. But, so sad that our daughter had to be concerned over this matter! She got over the cost and immediately started planning all of her encounters with Minnie and Belle and Ariel. They didn't burst into tears and unfortunately we won't be making $10,000 on AFV for their reactions, but we were pleased and excited! And, believe it or not, they DID sleep that night.

Getting ready to go to the airport. Funny thing when I ask my kids to get together so I can take a picture they almost always immediately go to the fireplace. This is them posing with their backpacks and our dirty, sooty fireplace. Mouse ears
Disney World or Bust
At the airport
Tessa showing off her awesome backpack that was chock full of stuff for the flight and downtime at the airport. They both did great traveling. Troy did too thanks to the in-flight bar and 20% off all drinks with our new credit card!

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