Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Another Day at Disney

We had really great weather while in Florida. It was sunny and between 75 and 80 every day. I'm sure the Floridians thought that was cold, but there were always people in the pools, including us! About three days in to the trip, Troy asked Nate was his favorite thing was so far. His answer : "the plane and swimming." Seriously. You're at Disney World and we could have taken you on a $50 flight to Chicago to a hotel with a pool?!?!

Nate enjoying a dip in the hot tub. Right behind these tubs was "Old Faithful" geyser that sprayed every hour. The kids thought that was pretty cool.
I don't have many pool shots because I usually was in the water...you know, making sure they didn't drown! There was a super fun water slide that both Nate and Tessa went down about a gazillion times each. Here is Troy is the hot tub with the kids. He's a cool Tshirt guy because he drew the short straw before we left for vacation and got SHINGLES! He was embarrassed to sport his rash. Poor guy. He self medicated with beers all week.
How cool does this kid think he is? Someone feed him please!
Awaiting the Pixar parade at Hollywood Studios
Bugs Life...can't remember what her name is?
Awwwh! Doug the Dog from Up!
The kids went bonkers when they saw the sock on the back of this monster from Monsters Inc! Just like the movie...except those yellow agents didn't come in and shave him down.
We ate at Pizza Planet! Just like in Toy Story.
Miss Minnie Mouse

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