Saturday, December 17, 2011

Magic Kingdom I

We went to the Magic Kingdom for two days. Our favorites rides here were Peter Pan, Toy Story and the safari boat tour. We seemed to luck out with sunshine, perfect temperature, little waits and great seats on nearly every ride!
And here we are are. The quintessential family pic in front of Cinderella's castle!

Cinderella's Castle

Our resort was on the bay so we could take a boat or a bus ride over to the park.
We just happened to run in to Pinocchio when we were getting our stroller for the day!
This is Nate up front on the safari boat tour. He took in every word the Captain said.
While we were waiting for one of the parades we encountered the Talking Trash Can. They picked Nate out of the crowd to come over and ask him a question. Nate asked what he liked to eat. The trash can said "trash!" The trash can then kept asking Nate where his sleeves went and what had happened to them!
Waiting in the stroller for a parade. We learned very quickly that we shouldn't do the double stroller...these kids found a way to fight about just about anything! Even though they were 4 and 6 having a stroller for them was a good thing!

And when you wear a Pluto hat, Pluto certainly doesn't miss you in the crowd!
Ghetto Pluto
Tink was the only character we stood in line to meet. And, frankly, that was an accident because we thought it was a ride! As you can see, Tessa wasn't digging Tink at the time so there's Dad in the pic with his cool backpack on!

Getting ready to take off on the carpet ride....I do believe Nate was talking smack about his was going to go faster and higher.
Minnie on the carousel
Nate on the carousel. Look at those smiles!
Miss red-cheeked Diva getting her shoes tied. That's her loving brother's shoe above her head.
Running low on fuel. Yep, that's drool.
Nate about to board ship on the It's a Small World worries Tessa awoke for the ride!
Castle all lit up after yet another parade
Seriously. How happy do these kids look? Nate is holding his Jack Sparrow sword.

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