Saturday, December 24, 2011


Epcot was our last park for the week. We made a quick trip "Around the World" and surprisingly the kids did enjoy some of those stops. Our favorite ride of the whole week was at this park and was called Soarin! The light show Illuminations was pretty amazing.

Nate and Tessa (and Minnie) posing in front of the Epcot sphere. Unfortunately that space ride was down for some computer problems so we didn't get to ride it.
Nate beating on the some drums as we made our trip around the world.
Tessa playing the drums
Casting call for Stomp? Sorry I have no idea what country we were in?!

Troy enjoyed a beer in every country. Here he is in Germany.
And speaking of Stomp there was a very similar show of Custodians or Maintenance Men that set up around the park and played on their trash cans and equipment.

Here we are in the United States of America!
The Yankees took volunteers from the crowd to march with them. Tessa didn't hesitate and was the first up there.
She earned a copy of the Declaration of Independence!
In front of our favorite ride Soarin'! It's a 4D hang gliding experience. Please notice that Miss Tessa Reba McIntyre has had a wardrobe change and is sporting her brother's shorts. We mistakenly let them play at one of the sprinkler stations with surprise geysers. And even though she was given strict instructions not to get soaked she did exactly that.
In the jaws of a shark from Nemo

Waiting in the aquarium for Turtle Talk with Crush. Tessa was the star of the show as Crush spotted her in the crowd right away and they let her interview the turtle. She asked Crush what he likes to eat (I don't know why my children have a fascination with what other people and things eat!) and he said "seaweed." Then Crush asked her what she likes to eat and she answered Macaroni and Cheese.
Nate making his sundae at dinner. We ate at a restaurant that is underneath an aquarium. The kids tried to identify all the fish while we were waiting and eating.
Tessa losing steam and chillin' out on top of the stroller as we waited for the Illuminations light show.

When we got back to our resort that evening we found safari Minnie watching television!

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