Thursday, December 22, 2011

Animal Kingdom

Our day at Animal Kingdom was the coolest and least sunny but that only worked in our favor as alot of the animals were out roaming around. We especially loved the Safari tour and Dinoland!

We got front row seats for the Safari Tour. This was really cool! The safari leader said we were very lucky to get to see all of the animals we did because the weather was so comfortable!
This is one of the kids' favorite memories...watching an elephant take a dump!

Tree of Life
Nate, alligator hunter. Next star of Swamp Men.

We had a lot of fun in Dinoland. Nate was too chicken to ride the rides but nothing kept Tessa from them.
We spent lots of time at the Dinosaur Dig playing in the sand and digging for fossils.

Waiting for the next parade
Troy enjoying his beverage and waiting for the next parade
Back in Dinoland. Tessa driving a that's scary.
We spotted Pluto on our way out!

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