Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dining with Mickey & Friends

Chef Mickey's was one of our favorite stops the whole week! Our reservation was later in the evening and it wasn't too crowded. We got to see and pose with the characters several times throughout the night. Certainly beats standing in the mile long lines to meet these guys at the parks.

Several times throughout dinner they have a celebratory dance where all the characters dance with the kids. The kids thought it was WAY cool to swing their napkins around when they got up and danced. We had to remind them as subsequent dinners NOT to do this.Miss T and her minnie Minnie swingin' and dancin' away!

Donald Duck
Tessa showing off some of the American fare buffet
The Chef himself, Mickey.
Minnie! She spent a lot of time at our table. Please notice that Tessa has a mouth full of food as she didn't want to miss moment with Minnie.
Goofy gave Nate a hard time because he was sporting his Pluto hat.

While we were walking out to catch the boat to our resort we spotted Peter Pan on the dock!
Peter posing with the kids

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