Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve '11

This was the first year we stayed at home for Christmas! Everyone slept in their own beds and Santa actually used our chimney and left presents under our tree. While it involved a lot more driving back and forth to and from Ohio (because of course we can't miss out on anything fun back home too!) we were pleased with our family decision. The kids left out some fresh baked cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. We kept checking on the computer to track Santa's progress throughout the night. What else will we come up with in this modern era!

For some reason Nate felt strongly about leaving Santa a 10-spot. Maybe he thought it was a payment plan for the Nintendo DS he's been begging for! BTW, Santa totally pocketed that money too. They also had to leave the carrots in a to-go bag. Funny.

Tracking Santa on the computer and awaiting his arrival to Michigan!

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