Saturday, December 31, 2011

More Christmas, More Presents

The presents and gluttony did not stop on Christmas as we still wanted to celebrate with the Baughmans!
Front Row: Gayla and Steve Back Row: Kelly,Troy and Todd

More Christmas chaos as Tessa tears in to her presents!
Only Gramma Gayla would buy the kids a game in which the goal is to make a dog poop! Of course the kids loved this!
Baughman Grandkids: L to R Nate (6), Claudio (16), Cole (6), Christian (2), Tessa (4), Keaton (11), Haley (13)

Friday, December 30, 2011


Nate and Tessa secured their places on the NICE list again this year. Santa left a mess of presents for each of them.
Tessa opening up her stocking. Please notice the mess Santa left in the background. Interestingly we found Comet's collar and jingle bells on our deck! Nate spotted it right away. We're pretty convinced that the bells fell off because Uncle Todd and Cole left out some beer for Santa!
It's hard to get pictures of super-speed present opener. This is Nate opening his stocking.
Hockey sticks!
A NINTENDO DS! Nate's said, and I quote, "Finally, they won't make fun of me anymore" referring to fellow school kids. So of course Troy and I felt like terrible parents. He followed that up by proudly saying, "I told them all some day I will come with a DS." Good Lord. Who knew there was so much drama associated with this gaming device. And, here's to the next 26 years or so of your gaming life, Nate.
Princess castle in a sea of other presents. Please notice that Tessa's mouth is open in all of the pictures because all she kept saying was "Yay!"
Yay! Roller skates!

Playing the DS...good thing Gramma Char mistakenly (or prematurely!) got them both some games because Santa brought a DS with a case and all sorts of accessories but WITHOUT ANY GAMES! Geesh?!?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve '11

This was the first year we stayed at home for Christmas! Everyone slept in their own beds and Santa actually used our chimney and left presents under our tree. While it involved a lot more driving back and forth to and from Ohio (because of course we can't miss out on anything fun back home too!) we were pleased with our family decision. The kids left out some fresh baked cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. We kept checking on the computer to track Santa's progress throughout the night. What else will we come up with in this modern era!

For some reason Nate felt strongly about leaving Santa a 10-spot. Maybe he thought it was a payment plan for the Nintendo DS he's been begging for! BTW, Santa totally pocketed that money too. They also had to leave the carrots in a to-go bag. Funny.

Tracking Santa on the computer and awaiting his arrival to Michigan!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas with the Ns

Christmas with the Neuenschmockers is never short on food, fun, smiles, chaos and certainly not presents! Santa and his elves made their annual stop and surprised all the kids during one of several present opening sessions.
Back Row: Kendall almost 7, Molly 5, Tessa 4
Front Row: Zack 8,Paige 14 Nate 6
Nate and one of many mounds of presents. He's the world's fastest present opener. Not kidding. He was done, wearing some of his new clothes and playing with his toys and some of his cousins hadn't even opened any of the their presents!
Miss T and Kendall patiently awaiting the "go" during present delivery
And, GO!
Kendall with her roach clip feather hair accessory dressing her new baby doll
Paige. The coolest teenager ever. Because what 14yr old doesn't have D&G sunglasses?!
Do you think Nate's excited about his hunting and fishing gear from his cousins?
Carharts for working outside with dad. His reaction "AWESOME!" when he opened them up. Obviously the tags were off and they were on his person moments later.

Nate and his favorite gifts: underarmour shirt, carharts and playing his new guitar in a giant box.

Santa and his elves. Not sure why the one elf looks like he had an accident in his tights? I do believe there was an inappropriate smoke and shot break in the garage before their grand entrance. Maybe that had something to do with the soggy tights look?Nate enjoying his moment on the big guy's lap. What he asked for? A DS. Of course.
Tessa wasn't down for the lap thing for some reason but she was sure to get close enough to list off a few preferred toys. Molly eventually did get on his lap for the FIRST TIME EVER and she was SO PROUD of herself!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Miss Claus

Santa visited Tessa's DK class before Christmas. Miss Tessa chose to honor the jolly ole' man in red and white by donning her most Christmas-y attire. Not kidding. She wore this to school.
Posing in front of the tree before school. I do believe with her chance to tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas she asked for a Strawberry Shortcake playland and a DS for her brother. How sweet. Looking out for her brother too. Nate has only been begging, pleading and talking about the DS for the last 1 or 2 years. Do you think she's tired of it? She's like "Santa, get my brother a DS already so he'll shut his pie hole!"
This must be her runway stance

Monday, December 26, 2011

S Quad and Offspring Reunion

Lisa and JT were passing through town visiting family for the holidays so we had a mini roommate reunion with all of our the kiddos. It was utter chaos and amazing that we all survived our college years only to make a million mini-mes.
Naomi and Allie. It was also Allie's 4th birthday we needed an excuse to party though.
Snacking on some fruit before they indulged in princess cupcakes.
Charlie (2, Mary's), Kayleigh (4, Kelly's), Katie (almost 6, Lisa) and Allie (4, Naomi's)
And of course everyone was munching off of the gingerbread house! As if we didn't have enough food or treats!
One of many attempts to get a group shot. Everyone isn't looking but is present (except for the school kids Nate and Andrew that had no idea we were all partying while they were at school!). Left to Right: Johnny (1, Kelly's) Kayleigh (4, Kelly's), Keira (3, Kelly's), Kelsey (1, Naomi's), Allie (4, Naomi's), Tessa (4, mine), Sam (3, Lisa's), Katie (almost 6, Lisa's), Charlie (2, Mary's), Timothy (1, Mary's) and Henry (4, Mary's).
Silly faces!

Gingerbread House '11

The kids love decorating a gingerbread house every year. This year was no different. The house was frosted together with care and the candy decorations lasted about a day as the kids munched away at their piece of art! 24hours later we are left with a sad brown gingerbread carcass.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wilderness Lodge & Downtown Disney

We stayed at the Disney resort called Wilderness Lodge. I thought it was kind of weird to be in Florida and at a rustic, outdoors-y, up north lodge but it was really great and was appropriate for the holiday season!

View from our balcony

Tessa checking out the view from our balcony...sans pants!
At the Lincoln Log table in the lobby
The Christmas tree in our hotel lobby.
Awaiting a bus to Downtown Disney for our last hurrah. Phones. The modern era's best babysitter.

Playing at Lego Land
We had our last lunch at TRex restaurant in Downtown Disney and it was awesome!

This was the ice cave at Trex. There was a meteor shower every 15 minutes.

Tessa and Nate posing in front of the lobby Christmas tree before heading back home!
One happy Disney family