Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mia 1 month

 Mia has one month under her belt. Or it might be more accurate to say she's survived 1 month! She's growing and changing.  She started cooing.  And, well.  The good news is that she's finally getting some eyelashes.  The bad news is that she's balding! 
 Sweet baby. This is also gives you a good look-see at the vanishing hairline.   
She gets it from her Uncle Todd!
 Peace Out!
 So these pictures are really just me not knowing how to use my camera and lenses. However, it is an accurate depiction of how things roll around here for poor little Mia.  She's so lucky that her brother and sister love her sooo much.  Sooo much that sometimes it's scary for all of us.

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