Friday, July 13, 2012

Lake Life

 Nate knee boarding

 Nate and Zack fishing
 Molly giving sweet kisses to Mia

 Mia has taken to lake life
 Mia with Gramma Char
 Zack and Nate
 EVERYONE, including the captain, abandoned ship for a quick cool off
 Captn Troy giving the folks on land the signal that all is well despite no one being on the boat and all passengers in the middle of the lake!
 This awesomely adorable chevron bathing suit is courtesy of Aunt Lola
 Mia just being an adorable, little sweet sleeping baby
 One of her sibs or cousins giving the sweet sleeping baby bunny ears. Only a prelude to all the jokes that will be played, I'm sure.
 King of the Raft with the Delzers
 Uh oh.  Uncle Bubba gettin' in on the King of the Raft action
 That's scrappy Henry Delzer behind all those splashes!

 Some extreme tubing...Zack, Andrew Delzer and Nate (hot doggin!)
Gramma Char strikes again....matching outfits for the ladies.  Mia ain't digging the posed pictures. Mostly because there was a major tug of war and argument over who got to hold her.  Nevertheless they all had to take turns.  So, many pictures were snapped. This was the best.

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