Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gramma Gayla gets a new dock

Gramma Gayla was in the market for a new dock in the pond.  And Troy and Todd were up for the challenge.  So, we packed up and headed back to Ohio for the day last weekend.  The boys worked, the kids swam and Gramma and Aunt Shannon got to snuggle with Mia.

 Out with the old
 Look at how low the pond is!
 If you look closely, Tessa's hair was "chalked."  Her cousin Haley is pretty hip and got us in the loop.
Uncle Todd doing a Tessa-Toss
In with the new
 Shannon and Mia
 Tessa in time-out in the house. Surprise.  Of course she doesn't want to miss a thing.
Very technical. Using rafts.  Most of the assistants having only one digit for their age.
Gramma Gayla and Grampa Steve
Gramma chatting it up with her balding new granddaughter
Nate testing out the new dock
Look closely.  Nate even got in on the chalking your hair action.  Try not to be distracted by the cotton candy stuck on the side of his mouth.  That's not chalk!
Miss sleepy head Mia and cousin Haley (check out Haley's chalked tips!)

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