Friday, July 13, 2012

Indepedence Day 2012

4th of July, 2012, Archer Lake 

 Seriously?  Miss America, Kendall Jo!

 Molly sporting star shades too
 Nate's 4th of July sign...ummh, dyslexia?
 The kids all loaded up for the parade.  They each have a large bowl full of candy. It is usually gone in 32.4 seconds.  They cannot grasp rationing!
 Troy and Greg volunteered to drive and keeping the newest nugget and beers cool

 Cousin Scott was able to come and the boys always enjoy his competitive spirit
 Aunt Jeanie and Gramma Char, modeling for OBrien water sports
 Scott worn out from those boys!
 Tessa pulls up a chair in the shade with the neighbor, Larry
 Troy, also an OBrien water sports model. Quite remarkable that he doesn't have a beer in his hand and he is still smiling!
Cutest independence baby ever

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