Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Been Busy Being A Mom of Three Catch-Up Post

So, I don't have a lot of words or stories. Busy nursing, diapering, swatting dirty, germy, not-so-gentle big kid mitts away from little delicate baby hands and face and diffusing squeeze fights and tug of war over who is holding the baby next.  Here is the first few weeks for Mia in review.  In a nutshell, Miss Mia was a lil stinker about eating initially. For being our little porker baby weighing in 2lbs heavier than the other nuggets, she sure wasn't down for the whole eating thing.  A pound and half down from birth weight, no peeing and pooping and too much sleeping (what?!?! huh? I know.) led to some worry and tears (those were mine, she was happy as a clam sleeping her little life away), lots of pumping, some supplementation and mama taking every herb on the planet. No worries though. We got Mia to turn the corner and have no doubts she won't look back. 

 Rosebrook cousins came to visit when Mia got home from the hospital. Above is Molly, Kendall and Mia.
 Aunt Amy finally gets a chance to check Mia out too.
  Cousin Zack looking like a pro baby-holder
 Mia survived her first bath at home.
 How sweet.
 Mia making a face.  Proud big bro Nate (still ok with sharing his birthday!)
 No idea what big sis Tessa is telling her but I'm sure it's nothing good.
 Father's Day.

 So sweet.  Stop letting that baby sleep on her tummy. I know.
 The girls hanging on the couch.
 Nate holding Mia like a big baby.  Can you appreciate the wonderment in in his eyes because I let him put her up on his shoulder?!
 This is a pre-balding pic.  Take in those dark little swirls on her head...they will soon rub away and she will look like a bald old man with crazy receding hairline.  These last two pics were taken after the professional newborn shoot.  Of course, I wanted sleepy, snuggly lil nugget newborn pictures.  Mia was being tossed around like a rag doll by her siblings.  Therefore she was wide awake and her eyes were open in nearly all the pictures.  Then, after all the tossing with the sibs, she peed all over one of the benches during her solo shoot.  We shut it down when the big sibs audience started losing their patience.  15 minutes after the shoot, in the car, Mia had a blow out diaper and then slept for 3 1/2 hours straight. Figures. Nevertheless we got some amazing and adorable pictures.

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