Tuesday, July 31, 2012

From Anorexia to Bulimia

We had been pleasantly surprised at the lack of vomiting/spitting-up/cookie-tossing from our dear Miss Mia.  The bigs were notorious pukers as infants.  I recall being dumbfounded and maybe even annoyed by all the bibs people had given me when Nate was born.  All I kept thinking was that he was a baby and why would he need a bib?  Good lord.  I learned quickly that I needed all those bibs and then some in every size shape and color to coordinate with outfits because he was a soggy barfing machine!  Tessa followed in her brother's footsteps and luckily we got to add some pink and purple to the mix of thank-heaven-for-little-boys-bib collection.  Miss Mia has turned the corner and has been doing just fine ingesting her calories.   Proudly we've been seeing them go straight to her chin!  We wish they'd make her hair fill in and grow but we remain patient.  I had just been saying how the pile of bibs has laid untouched and neatly stacked on her changing table.  And. Well. Long gone are her days of anorexia.  She has fully committed to bulimia and is getting her fair share of the bib-wearin' now.  Oh, yeah, and she can smile now too!  Hilarious!
 Made you Smile!

Look at that chin...and that other chin!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July Lake Fun

If we aren't at home running the bigs from activity to activity we've been taking in the sunshine at the lake!
Nate's trying the skis!
 About 10 feet and then a snootful of water
 Booty Drop
 And, he's up!
 Miss T with residual snack on her cheek that looks sneakingly suspicious of Doritos!
 Rookie chillin' out

 Nate hot doggin' with the ladies
 Tessa and her best lake bud Vicki
 Whatever happened to just climbing the tree?  
Interesting that I stood and took pictures of this disaster waiting to happen?

Not so sure Kendall is really trusting her brother here?  
I don't have a picture that proves she let him hoist her up the tree?
The sweet Rosebrook clan - Molly, Kendall, Rookie & Zack

Friday, July 27, 2012

Mitchey Turns 4-0

So, after running around with all the little kiddos and visiting with the Sanghvis, we continued the day by surrounding ourselves with similar childish company and behaviors.  We celebrated Mike Mitchey's 40th birthday at the lake.
 David Miller, Tessa and Troy taking the kids tubing.
It's a toss up for who is the responsible one in this group?
 Kids tubing...yep, three big tubes chock full of kids

 Looks like Mitchey's trying to get fresh with Amy
 Mitchey and the neighbor Larry
 Troy and the Birthday Boy
 Mitchey and Bubba
 Troy, Missy (I know you might've mistaken her as Pam Anderson in her red Baywatch bathing suit), Chad Beuher, Mitchey, Mitche's delightful wife Cheri, Bubba, Amy, David and Tina
 Miss Mia...doesn't miss a party
Hot Mamas...not too far from 40 either...Missy, Cheri and Amy. NHS Class of '91.

The Sanghvis visit

We got to meet Miss Matea while the Sanghvis were in town for a visit from Eugene!  It's always a whirlwind get together with the ever growing number of offspring from the South Quad 3700 hall.  Actually, there were too many kids running around for me to get pictures of them all.  And, for everyone's sanity we didn't even attempt a group shot.
Allie McKaig enjoying a bagel
 Miss Leila, the big sis now (she just donated her awesome black hair!)
 Kelsey McKaig
 Henry Delzer (he asked for me to take his picture!)
How sweet is this little thing?  Miss Matea is 5 months old

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Basketball Camp

Initially I was all excited that I would be home with the kids and the new baby all summer long.  Then, I realized I was going to be home with the kids and the new baby all summer long.  I decided to enroll the kids in a million activities as I panicked they would be bored at home with me...and I would have to control them all day long.  Then, after I'd signed the kids up for a million activities, I realized that I would have to be running them all over creation...with a new baby.  Anyways.  I've somehow managed not to develop postpartum depression.  Mostly because I haven't had any time.  Nate had basketball camp this past week.  He loved it! Not quite yet dunkin' it BUT he did earn some mid rise high tops for which he is pretty proud.
That is Nate in the black playing some mean defense

 Nate and Gerzon

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Micheal Phelps Eat Your Heart Out.

Tessa has had a big week.  She not only graduated top of her class for Safety Town but she also rocked beginner swimming lessons.  Troy took her to the first lesson at which the coach usually does testing to make sure the kids are in the appropriate level. About 10 minutes in to the lesson I get a text from her father that says "WTF?  She's &#&#ing Michael Phelps, Jen."  We usually do swimming lessons in the winter but because of hectic schedules we were unable to gitter done this past winter.  So, these lessons were a little delayed, she"s already been in the water a bunch already this summer and I was just following the rules in terms of what she'd passed already.  Anyways, Miss Tessa did just fine and will be skipping to the next level...which contrary to her father's opinion is not Olympic training!  Big pool next time around, sista!  This class was just for a confidence building.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Safety Town Graduate!

 Tessa and Emma sitting like little ladies awaiting the ceremony commencement.
 Wheels on the bus go round and round
 She graduated "First" in her class...that is, she was the first to get her diploma alphabetically.
 Tessa and her bud and fellow graduate Emma
Tessa and her Teacher