Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Man in the Red Suit

 Yep.  I took (tortured) my children to Bronners in Frankenmuth.  Because Troy is a government employee he got off election day.  The kids didn't have school.  And, I amazingly, didn't have to work either.  Well, we packed up and thought we'd take a little day trip to Bronners after we did our civic duty and voted.  Most know that I love Christmas and everything about it!  We made a nice pit stop at the local brewery for lunch and then hit World's Largest Christmas Store!   It wasn't as exciting as I had anticipated.  Actually, I can see why I was tortured when my mom and my friends' moms dragged us there when we were in junior high and we acted like a bunch of brats and complained the whole time!  There are way too many things to buy and not as many things to do as I would have expected.  It is quite the Christmas spectacle.  I did appreciate all the Christmas music and spirit.
Tessa and Nate and the Man in the Red Suit....there was no live Santa.  SERIOUSLY!?!?  At the World's Largest Christmas Store!?!?  I was rather disappointed. And the kids were too as I got them all psyched about sitting on his lap and doing the ole spill your Christmas wishes to Santa gig.

 Not sure why Tessa wanted her picture with this creepy Christmas bear

We left with a little disappointment but a great selection of candy cane flavors that will last us at least until Christmas!

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