Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend in Nappy

I had to work on Turkey Day this year so we spent our first Thanksgiving away from family.  I came home to an awesome deep fried bird and some fixins prepared by SuperDad and the kiddos!  We did get back to Napoleon over the weekend though.  We spent some post turkey day time at Gramma Gayla's.  Since the kids missed out on Camp Gayla at the Weasel get together, she made sure to make them up goodie bags and save some of the activities for Nate and Tessa. Below is Haley showing the kids how to make Alka-seltzer bombs with water and 35mm film containers.  Sweet!  I know!

 Cousin Cole
 Gramma Gayla and Troy

 These awesome Christmas shades were in the goodie bags!
 And, so was this even-awesome-er basketball game!

 Speaking of AWESOME?!?  I mean.  Come on.
 Christian playing some sort of lick the sprinkles off of the plate game.
Cousin Christian looking pretty fly in his Christmas shades

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