Sunday, November 11, 2012

Family Pic

For being someone that loves to take pictures, I sure have done a terrible job at getting organized family pictures of the Baughman clan.  Tessa got an assignment that required her to bring in a picture of her family.  Of course, I conjure up all these grand and creative ideas and get inspired to get a family picture taken.  I mean, we do have a new addition to the family.  The last and only picture of our entire family is about 15 minutes after I delivered Mia and the family piled in to the hospital bed.  I thought that would be weird.  So, of course, we can't send in a picture that doesn't include the entire family.  Does this family photo opportunity or project that I dream of happen?  No.  So, here we are.  The night that the picture is due...literally, a Friday night at 8pm. I'm balancing the camera on a table, setting the self-timer, bribing the bigs to focus and smile and the Baughmans all crouch together on the couch to look like a family.  And, I email it off to the teacher.  Not too bad.   But so sad.  And, do you think I could have at least put a little make-up on?  I'm no glamour girl.  Wouldn't you know that being a "B" family would land our family picture as the ONE picture that is frozen on prior to the slide show at the school function.  Good Lord.  All the families with their beach pictures or all formally posed by the tree or at a park and coordinating outfits...where the moms did their hair and wore make-up.  And, then, you have the Baughmans.  Sweatshirts.  Jerseys. On the couch. With their stunned, obese baby.  At least there wasn't a dirty plate of food or an empty pint glass in the background.  Keepin' it classy.

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