Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sibling Smothering Session

 Mia hanging with her big sibs.
 Does it taste like sausage?
 Because they sure do look like little delicious sausages!
 No, silly! Those are my fingers!
 The bigs having Mia smothering session
 Rolling over training
 Nate tries the "get down to her level" and demonstrate approach.
 Mia thinks he's just silly.
 Tessa tries to physically make Mia roll with her.
 Mia quickly realizes this is NOT a good idea...
 Ugh!  You're squeeeeeeezing me!
 Mom, seriously.  They're SQUEEEEEEZING me!
Ok.  Asking for a rescue mission here.
Awwwh.  Ok.  They really do love me.

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