Friday, November 2, 2012

Cider, Donuts, Punkins...

Ti's the season for sipping on cider, snacking on warm donuts, jumping in straw mounds, running through corn mazes and carving pumpkins.  We love us some fall in these parts.

Dad and Mia staying cozy

Look at that holiday spirit!  Don't look at all those wrinkles on my face.  Focus on the obnoxious orange ponytails on top of my head. Good lord.  Get that woman some Retin-A.
Let's all be impressed and concerned that I am on top of the straw mound...with a baby.
Mia isn't too thrilled about being tossed into the straw mound
She is equally not thrilled about her sister smothering her while sitting in the straw mound.
Dad and the kids got out the power tools for punkin carving this year.
Very scary, huh?

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