Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend in Nappy

I had to work on Turkey Day this year so we spent our first Thanksgiving away from family.  I came home to an awesome deep fried bird and some fixins prepared by SuperDad and the kiddos!  We did get back to Napoleon over the weekend though.  We spent some post turkey day time at Gramma Gayla's.  Since the kids missed out on Camp Gayla at the Weasel get together, she made sure to make them up goodie bags and save some of the activities for Nate and Tessa. Below is Haley showing the kids how to make Alka-seltzer bombs with water and 35mm film containers.  Sweet!  I know!

 Cousin Cole
 Gramma Gayla and Troy

 These awesome Christmas shades were in the goodie bags!
 And, so was this even-awesome-er basketball game!

 Speaking of AWESOME?!?  I mean.  Come on.
 Christian playing some sort of lick the sprinkles off of the plate game.
Cousin Christian looking pretty fly in his Christmas shades

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lil Buckeyes & Wolverines

Zack 9, Molly 6, Tessa 5, Mia 5mos, Kendall 7, Nate 7

Monday, November 26, 2012

Half Day Play Date

 Tessa has become buds with an adorable set of little blond twins...and they're pretty funny to boot.  We snagged Ellie after school on a half day and had the twins come on over for an afternoon of fun.  It was unseasonably warm.  The girls dressed up and had quite the creative performance using the covered hot tub as a stage (the most use we've gotten out of that thing!).   I usually love play dates because it keeps the kids busy and I can get some things done.  But, I had to stop and take some pictures as well as endure several live performances once I paid them some attention.  

  R to L, Ellie, Gemma, Tessa and Macie.
 Miss Tessa performing her version of Shake It Up Chicago from the Disney Channel
 Ellie...looking like she might fit right in going to college in Ann Arbor.
Watch out for this trio.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sibling Smothering Session

 Mia hanging with her big sibs.
 Does it taste like sausage?
 Because they sure do look like little delicious sausages!
 No, silly! Those are my fingers!
 The bigs having Mia smothering session
 Rolling over training
 Nate tries the "get down to her level" and demonstrate approach.
 Mia thinks he's just silly.
 Tessa tries to physically make Mia roll with her.
 Mia quickly realizes this is NOT a good idea...
 Ugh!  You're squeeeeeeezing me!
 Mom, seriously.  They're SQUEEEEEEZING me!
Ok.  Asking for a rescue mission here.
Awwwh.  Ok.  They really do love me.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fatty at Five Months

 Ummh? I'm hoping this photo shoot was pants optional?
 I love my woobie.  I can stick my chubby little sausage fingers through the holes.
 All smiles.
 All rolls.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Family Pic

For being someone that loves to take pictures, I sure have done a terrible job at getting organized family pictures of the Baughman clan.  Tessa got an assignment that required her to bring in a picture of her family.  Of course, I conjure up all these grand and creative ideas and get inspired to get a family picture taken.  I mean, we do have a new addition to the family.  The last and only picture of our entire family is about 15 minutes after I delivered Mia and the family piled in to the hospital bed.  I thought that would be weird.  So, of course, we can't send in a picture that doesn't include the entire family.  Does this family photo opportunity or project that I dream of happen?  No.  So, here we are.  The night that the picture is due...literally, a Friday night at 8pm. I'm balancing the camera on a table, setting the self-timer, bribing the bigs to focus and smile and the Baughmans all crouch together on the couch to look like a family.  And, I email it off to the teacher.  Not too bad.   But so sad.  And, do you think I could have at least put a little make-up on?  I'm no glamour girl.  Wouldn't you know that being a "B" family would land our family picture as the ONE picture that is frozen on prior to the slide show at the school function.  Good Lord.  All the families with their beach pictures or all formally posed by the tree or at a park and coordinating outfits...where the moms did their hair and wore make-up.  And, then, you have the Baughmans.  Sweatshirts.  Jerseys. On the couch. With their stunned, obese baby.  At least there wasn't a dirty plate of food or an empty pint glass in the background.  Keepin' it classy.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Man in the Red Suit

 Yep.  I took (tortured) my children to Bronners in Frankenmuth.  Because Troy is a government employee he got off election day.  The kids didn't have school.  And, I amazingly, didn't have to work either.  Well, we packed up and thought we'd take a little day trip to Bronners after we did our civic duty and voted.  Most know that I love Christmas and everything about it!  We made a nice pit stop at the local brewery for lunch and then hit World's Largest Christmas Store!   It wasn't as exciting as I had anticipated.  Actually, I can see why I was tortured when my mom and my friends' moms dragged us there when we were in junior high and we acted like a bunch of brats and complained the whole time!  There are way too many things to buy and not as many things to do as I would have expected.  It is quite the Christmas spectacle.  I did appreciate all the Christmas music and spirit.
Tessa and Nate and the Man in the Red Suit....there was no live Santa.  SERIOUSLY!?!?  At the World's Largest Christmas Store!?!?  I was rather disappointed. And the kids were too as I got them all psyched about sitting on his lap and doing the ole spill your Christmas wishes to Santa gig.

 Not sure why Tessa wanted her picture with this creepy Christmas bear

We left with a little disappointment but a great selection of candy cane flavors that will last us at least until Christmas!