Monday, August 27, 2012

Zimmy's birthday & Other happenings/visitors at the lake...whereelse?

 Look at this sweetness?  Apparently growing hair can be rather tiring.
 Nate is kinda sweet least most of the time
 Ditto for the middle'un
 Zimm's 29th and some change birthday. Someone got him this hideous landscape flag.  We thought we'd spiff up his hot rod with a winged helmet though!
 Zimm and his buddy Troy
 Bryson in the winged helmet.  Look how happy he is to be a Wolverine!
 ....gone!  What a difference a summer makes!
 Bathing boat beauty Miss T

 This is evidence that non-motorized water sports are not a thing of the past!  Nate and Zack are pulling Molly behind the kayak.  And, they even have Tessa as a spotter!  What great water safety skills!

 Is that a wake I see?
 Yup.  We let them make a loop around the lake.
 The ladies hanging out...and smotherin' the babe.
 Mia sighs and thinks, "This is unfamiliar? Whoa! I can breathe!  I don't have dirty little hands pulling me in multiple directions. Peace." 
 Puff visits the lake.
Much better place for the delicate babe to the arms of the ADULT!  Shewsh.

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