Saturday, August 11, 2012

2 months

 Miss Mia is 2 months!  Where has the time gone?  And, finally, look closely.  She's getting some hair coming back!  I am feeling compelled to accessorize her a little as she clearly resembles her older brother the most.  I mean, look at that hairline?! Another widow's peak in the family.  You can thank the Baughmans for that one, kids.  The look on her face here though is "Seriously, mom?  A flower?  Really? You're killin' me."
The Bigs still love Mia to pieces.  I thought the novelty of her would wear off pretty quickly and that hasn't been the case AT ALL!  I have no idea what is smeared on the side of Tessa's face in this picture.  Those obnoxious feathers are courtesy of Aunt Amy.  Of course, her girls got subtle long streaky ones and she let Tessa pick out bright blue and red fuzzy ones that stick up off the top of her head!

 Nate hangin' with his sister after her 2mos check up.
She took her shots like a champ!

 Mia is weighing in at a hefty 10lbs!

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