Thursday, September 6, 2012

Summer Vacay 2012

We spent a week at the lake for our last hurrah of the summer.  I took a bazillion pictures and have tried to capture the majority of the week in the following snap shots.  We had sun & fun!  No complaints.
 Tessa went fishing...and caught some fish with her bare hands! 

 Thanks Aunt Amy for that awesome feather that is still sticking up off the top of my head and makes me look like a peacock!
 Mom and Mia...yep, that's Mia in the sling.  She's the "good one."
 The kids got pulled on the "couch tube" through the channels several gajillion times throughout the week.
 Taking a stroll down the sand bar.  Swim shoes are not attractive but you can't help but think "awwwh."

 Nate became obsessed with swimming with goggles and snorkel.

Sunny day with a nice breeze...perfect for the kite!

 The girls. Mia in the cocoon.  I look pretty bad @ss in my backwards hat, eh?
 This gem blew in to our swimming area and the kids thought they'd hit the jack pot...until the owners came to claim it.  Buzz kill.  We got a good afternoon of bouncing out of it though.
 Mia hanging with Gramma Char.  She loves vacation.
 Nate wake boarding and our short-lived ownership of a water tramp.
Popping popcorn fireside with Vicki.

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