Wednesday, August 8, 2012

From Lakeside to Poolside

 Life is pretty rough for these Baughman kids.  We spent some time back in Napoleon and switched it up a little by immersing in the pool and the pond rather than the lake!  Mia enjoyed hanging out with Gramma.  How many times do you think Gramma heard, "Gramma, watch this?"
 Jumping off the second story of the dock..only about 347 thousand times.

Cuz buds Nate and Zack
 Lil sunshine flower, Mia.  She actually looks a little disgusted?  Maybe she's annoyed.  Wouldn't we like to know what's going on in that little head of hers?
 Look at that form and side breathing!!  Coach Vocke would be impressed and recruiting I'm sure!
 Pensive swimmer.  Pondering the Olympics perhaps? Or just tired and wondering what he'd like to demand for snack since he's been living like a king?
 Gramma Char and Papa Kenny got a special delivery surprise while we were there.  Aunt Lola is preggers and due this December.   Being the planner that she is Lola couldn't wait to find out if Baby Dean is a boy or a girl (even though my kids already named the baby Justin Verlander!).  So, on the day of her ultrasound she sent both sets of grandparents a special package so they would know before she announced it to the world.

 Opening the special package that was chock full of booties and bibs
That were BLUE!  And they found out, "Lil Deaner has a WIENER!"  It's gonna be a boy!

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