Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dog Days of August in Naptown

So far August has proven to have mostly dog days of summer.  While in Napoleon we headed over to Cyndi's new house for a casual luncheon and a dunk in the pond with her kids and the Mowerys too.  It has been so hot and dry it was actually painful to walk across Cyndi's crispy brown lawn!  I was disappointed when Cyndi and Roach announced on my arrival that they were both dieting.  Whoa!  Buzz kill.  That left me sipping on a cold one all by myself with my newborn baby in tow and the bigs running around like maniacs.  Wasn't planning on getting hammered, mind you.  I am somewhat responsible and we were the supervising adults by a large body of water in which you could not see the bottom.  But, "diet" is something very, very annoying to hear about when you're postpartum and still looking and feeling more like you're still about 5 months pregnant or that you should cut back on the Bud-heavy.  If you know what I mean?!  And, diet should never include booze deprivation, if you ask me.  Even though they were 'saving their calories' they were still good company.  We got some good gossip in and the kids got cooled off and tired out!  Always a pleasure with these ladies. And, even though we may go awhile without seeing or talking with each other it always seems like it was just yesterday.  Good and easy friends are always a blessing!
Oh Goodness! Is that Jack Mowery in a MICHIGAN chair!!  How is he so lucky to sit in a such a throne?!
Jack Mowery and Nate on the dock.  Jack was giving Cyndi and I palpitations with his head-bobbing swimming.  His mother kept reassuring us that he was fine.  But he sure did look like he was sinking a coupla times!
The ladies on the raft...Layla, Tessa, Aubrey and Avery.
 Miss T looking pretty serious with her tube

 Miss Layla and Mia
 Aubrey, Tessa, Layla, Avery and Nate (Jack wanted nothing to do with a picture at the time!)
 I think one of the kids mentioned that they didn't have anything to do.  Seriously? Surrounded by a bunch of other kids in a big yard with a pond.  Nothing to do, huh?  So, what better thing to suggest than burning off more energy.  I've learned that kids will do nearly anything if you tell them you're going to time them.  I sent them running around the pond and would yell our random numbers as if I had really been timing them with my watch!
Nate trying to catch his breath.  He got smoked by Aubrey and was a pretty good sport about it!
Avery has a Michael-Jordan-esque flair while running

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