Thursday, May 12, 2011

What do you call a person that cracks a safe?

Safe cracker? Locksmith? Secret agent? Whatever it is and however cute Tessa may look in camouflage, she does not have a promising future in this line of work. I was working around the house and heard an eery silence from the the toy room. And this is what I found...

Tessa trying to get money out of the college fund piggy bank. She had used all of the butter knives (that is the glare inside the bank) from the silverware drawer (let's not focus on the fact that my child was playing with knives) to try to pry open the bank. She didn't get a single dime out. When I asked her what she was doing, she replied, "I was trying to get that money." I asked, "why?" She says, "because everything isn't free, Mom." So true, my dear. So true.

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