Saturday, May 14, 2011

More Mothers Day...

Not sure that Nate's future includes winning any spelling bees or becoming an artist of any sort. Regardless I am and will be quite proud of him. Another finish-the-sentence-with-related-drawing from school. I love these things! In case you are having difficulty, let me translate and explain. It reads, "On mother's day I made breakfast for my mom." That is me laying in bed...looking kind of scary, maybe even dead and sliding out of bed. That's Nate and Troy bringing me the breakfast tray. I love the little details that he doesn't forget though. I mean, he put a ceiling fan in there! Love it.


  1. I always imagined you sleeping in the world's most patriotic bed, chanting yourself to sleep every night with "USA! USA!"

  2. Well, in truth. It's more like Troy serenades me to sleep with God Bless the USA.
