Friday, May 13, 2011

Muffins for Mom

Tessa's preschool hosted their Mommies and Grandma's for muffins for a Mother's Day celebration at school. Gramma Char AND Gramma Gayla came to surprise Tessa! She was so proud and excited! She sang a song with her class and then they took us all out to the playground. It was a really nice we decided to let Tessa play hooky for the rest of the day with the Grammas in town. We even went and got Nate out of school for lunch. A very special day!

Tessa sitting like a little lady with her fellow Twinkling Stars.
Gramma Char, Tessa, Gramma GaylaTessa and her Grammas (cute pic...I'm sure the Gramma's are loving the rear-end view!)
Mommy and Tessa

Tessa and her teachers. Miss Mary on the Left, Miss Jessica on the Right.
Gramma Char reverted into school teacher mode and was swinging all the kids on the playground!
Tessa and Cullen enjoying their muffins...and needing some sunglasses!
Surprising Nate at school!Post lunch activities had us enjoying the nice weather. This is Nate's latest obsession...climbing. He straps bungee cords all around his chest for a harness and ties ropes all over the place. Please notice Mr. Safety is wearing his helmet and also has on his fingerless winter gloves to help him grip. There is an actual climbing wall on this jungle gym but apparently that isn't enough of a challenge. Tessa looking on with reservation.My Muffins.

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