Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day 2011! I've been doing this gig for nearly 6 years now and still haven't mastered it. I was lucky enough to be home for the special day though. I got my usual breakfast in bed. This year's feast prepared by Nate consisted of cinnamon bread bought specially for me from the Dexter bakery, a bowl of cereal and chocolate milk all garnished with a small vase of daffodils from picked from our yard. I was showered with cards and drawings and hugs and kisses. Tessa made me a card with flowers on it. Nate made me a clay sculpture of himself and also wrote me a book. It was one of those fill in the sentences creations from school. I cringed a little bit each time he read a page wondering what he'd chosen to fill in because what mother wouldn't be a little self conscious and worried about her image as her son speaks of what she likes to do and eat?! Yikes.

M for Michigan and for Mom. What a wonder. His two favorite things!

Scary mommy? He was very proud he got my eye color right. He wasn't sure if they were green or purple? What? Purple?
This is a picture of me at the grocery store check out. The red thing on the side is the gum ball machine.
Nate wrote that his mom likes to eat Chocolate (his phonetic spelling was a bit off, but I was pleased that he didn't say McDonalds or beer!) Apparently I politely eat my chocolate at the kitchen table all by myself.
And, I'm special because I help him. Awwh. Tear.
(That's me with a barrel chest and huge thighs in all black helping Nate on the swing set. That brown thing that looks like it's on a leash is a squirrel or Tessa. He couldn't remember.)

I had a great day. The kids were good for about twenty minutes. As Tessa was crying before bedtime she grabbed my face and asked me "Is mudders day over?" I said almost. She told me she was gonna have a better day tomorrow.

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