Sunday, December 13, 2009

Winter Wonderland.

Gramma Char came up this week and spent some time getting the Baughman household in holiday shape. Last year, we had just moved in and didn't even get a chance to really deck the halls at our new pad. At that same time last year, I complimented Gramma Char on one of her many Christmas trees in her home. It was swirled and twirled with peppermint candy decorations and I loved it. I initially tried to take advantage of the holiday season and my mom's generous nature and merely suggest that she just give that tree to me. Well, she wasn't down for that and it worked out to my advantage because the tree would have looked quite small in our new house. However, I did manage to get her creative juices flowing. We all know the woman likes to shop. So, she went on a post holiday sale rampage and got all kinds of holiday decor, including an incredible deal on a 10 foot, prelit wonder. We had to wait all year to really see what we got, though. Well, after a couple days of bow-tying and garland-twisting and wreath-hanging, the outcome was great! It's hard to capture the magic in a picture. Take it from me, it looks grand. Thank goodness she had the foresight to get shatterproof bulbs!

This tree below is our "old" tree. A Big Lots, maybe 6' special. Troy couldn't believe how Charlie Brown it looks now. We used to complain about having to find space for the tree every year.

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