Sunday, December 27, 2009

Final Round Presents - Baughman Family Christmas

Kelly and Sam hosted the Baughman family Christmas this year. This final stop of our Christmas vacation filled the van to the brim! We'd walked in the door and Gramma Gayla was already sitting the kids down and handing out presents. She explained that she had a gift that just couldn't be boxed up for very long. Mommy and Daddy's eyebrows raised and the kids were bonkers. Gramma brought out little hamster boxes that said PetCo on the side of them. The kids were screaming....the moms and dads were growling. We welcomed Chunk and NumNums into our family. Thankfully they were ZhuZhu pets and not the real deal. Otherwise, Gramma Gayla would have had a houseful of reject Christmas presents or hamsters! In true Gramma Gayla fashion, the ZhuZhu pets came with all the bells and whistles and accessories like running tracks, rolling balls, running wheels, carrying baskets and beds and linens.
Gramma didn't stop there though. After all the boxes were torn open and we were swimming in a sea of wrapping paper, she took all the little ones out in to the garage. Awesome, shiny new bikes awaited! Tessa's came with rainbow streamers and a baby seat attachment. Nate got a maize and blue hot rod decked with block Ms and a bell. Of course, right away, Nate commented how it would match his bike helmet and was asking to have the training wheels taken off. They zipped around the garage for quite a while and can't wait until bike riding season!

Cousin Cole got Nate the Batcave and that definitely ranked as one of the best gifts of the season!

Tessa was happy to try on her new jammies from Cousin Haley and couldn't keep from texting on her new kiddie cellie! Now she won't have to play with mommy, daddy and everyone else's phones.

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