Thursday, December 24, 2009

Presents Round 2 - Christmas Eve Chaos & Santa's Visit

Christmas Eve was full of chaos. We got all gussied up and went to church. As soon as the children started singing at the service, Tessa announced that she was going to go up front to dance in her dress. It was a little difficult trying to convince her that she was not a part of the performance. Her patience ran low since we wouldn't let her dance, she ran out of goldfish crackers she was generously sharing with our thankfully kind and understanding neighboring church goers and she couldn't even see the Baby Cheese (better known as Jesus for most Christians) from our seats! Nate was very well-behaved. Apparently the threat of no presents works well at his age.

After church Santa and his elf came for a visit to check to see if the kids were being naughty or nice! The kids were bonkers! Tessa is still a little weary of the man in the red suit. Remember how much she loved the Detroit Tigers mascot, Paws? Well, she now claims "No like Santa. I like Paws!" She did pose for a picture though, only in the safety of her cousin Paige's arms.

After Santa left to continue his whirlwind trip around the world, the kids remembered that there were presents piled high in Gramma Char and Papa Kenny's basement. Gramma and Papa got all of the grandkids little couches to mark their individual posts and the presents just didn't stop coming. Nate was done in a hot minute. He managed to don a GI Joe costume that Gramma and Papa had gotten him and have all of his opened presents organized in piles before Tessa could even be coaxed to open her second or third box!

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