Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The hospital stay

 Jenny (midwife) weighing cheese-curd covered Mia...a hefty 8#2oz!

 Nurse Catherine getting the baby cold cream off, checking for fingers, toes, hips and lips!

 Lungs work
 Gramma Char and Mia
 Dad doing first diaper change!
 Nurse Christina giving Mia her first bath
 Evidence that this child CAN HEAR so there will be no excuses for not listening.
 Aunt Kelly, Cousins Cole and Christian
 Naomi, John, Allie and Kelsey
 Gramma Gayla
 Lynn, Katie, Tim and Lex

Galen and Nicole (Nurse, pregnant with Mia's soon-to-be new boyfriend Levi).

 Cheryl (midwife)

Family of FIVE!

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