Sunday, June 3, 2012

Baby Jessica

Yep, those are my beloved babies standing in a giant which the walls of dirt could cave and suffocate them at any moment!  Look at those smiles, though, right?!  We're getting a new basketball hoop.  You know, so mommy can train the kids with her mad hoopster skills.  Troy suggested Nate and his friend start digging a hole for the pole while they were looking for something to do the other day.  Of course, Troy had already chosen the exact spot where the hole needed to be to maximize the driveway for dribbling, rebounding, etc.  It was less than 1 foot in the dirt and clank.  They ran into a rock.  A good sized rock that some may call a small boulder!  Needless to say, the hole had to get a lot bigger and took a lot longer to get that rock out of the way.  The rock found a nice place in our landscaping but now we were looking at a really huge hole for a not so huge pole.  So, while the engineer for the project sat in the driveway having an adult beverage figuring out how to modify the plans he let the children play in the hole!  What!?!?  This hole is big.  Small children playing in a big hole.  Aye yi yi.  I had to remind the project manager, man sitting in the lawn chair with beer in hand, and father of these children about good ole Baby Jessica who fell in the well hole.  Good lord. I was not pleased with this and had to be the buzz kill that covered the hole with weighted down fiber boards until it was resolved with the proper fill dirt, concrete and basketball pole.  Of course, as any good mother would do, I took a picture of them in the hole before I kicked them out of it, threatened their lives and banned them from playing anywhere near it!

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