Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Nate!

A little belated.  Remember that recent picture of me about ready to pop?  Well, I did. On the ONE DAY we DIDN'T want it to happen.  Nate's 7th birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATE!  We got you a new little sister!  Seriously.  Lucky for Nate (and his parents) our tradition is to wake up to presents like Christmas morning and enjoy birthday cake for breakfast.  So we had everything in order including a mound of presents and Tigers cupcakes for the big 7 year old.  After a quick, very early morning trip to the hospital for the birth of his new sister he returned home courtesy of Gramma Char to a mound of loot fit for any 7 year old boy!  He was most excited about his long awaited hockey gear! (These pics are courtesy of Gramma Char, too!).  So. Take it all in, buddy, cuz you're gonna have to share for the rest of your life.  We have our suspicions that Nate was a little more disappointed in not getting a little 'Denard Robinson' for a new sibling rather than having to share his birthday.  Despite all of the conversations preparing both he and Tessa that we were not sure if the baby would be a boy or girl as well as assuring them the baby would for surely NOT be named Denard Robinson, he walked out the hospital with Gramma Char dumbfounded.  He said to Gramma, " I thought we were getting a boy?"  As if we had just ordered up one baby boy named Denard Robinson and somehow someone at the baby drive thru window messed up our order!

He does look like a hockey player missing those front teeth!

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