Friday, June 8, 2012

Another DK Graduate

 Miss T has graduated from Developmental Kindergarten! Remember, folks, this is the fancy new-age term for preschool. But, nevertheless, we couldn't be more proud.  She is forever the middle child as we already have to "fit" her graduation in amongst our busy schedule with her brother's baseball games, mom and dad's work obligations and the arrival of her new baby brother or sister.  She's cool with that though.  Tessa can color like no other.  She is friends with everyone. Tessa can read and count much higher than her brother did at this age.  Oh, and now that she has decided to join in on the song and dance performances, well, we have a little shining star. We ate hot dogs and drank lemonade in her honor and moved on to the next event on our busy calendar!

 That's Tessa looking like the Jolly Green Giant in the pink floral dress.
 Whoa!  Is she actually doing the motions?  With some emotion too?
 Miss Heather and Miss Tracy announcing the graduates. Tessa receiving her diploma.
 Tessa and her gal pals of DK.  Left to R: Tessa, Ella, Ruby, Emma and Alex.
 Tessa with Alex (who is looking as cool as ever in her shades!)
The graduate and her proud parents (and baby bro or sis)!  
I'm days away from having a baby here, people.  Try not to stare.

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