Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mia's homecoming

I don't really have much to say here except that I LOVE these pictures only because they express how absolutely bonkers Nate and Tessa were about Mia coming home.  They made signs and waited the driveway!...for us.  She was greeted with hugs and kisses.  And, so began the rest of Mia's life.  A life destined and full of being tossed around like a rag doll, getting her guts squeezed out with passionate hugs or her arms yanked out of their sockets doing marionette-style baby dance moves and many, many slobbery wet kisses everywhere!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The hospital stay

 Jenny (midwife) weighing cheese-curd covered Mia...a hefty 8#2oz!

 Nurse Catherine getting the baby cold cream off, checking for fingers, toes, hips and lips!

 Lungs work
 Gramma Char and Mia
 Dad doing first diaper change!
 Nurse Christina giving Mia her first bath
 Evidence that this child CAN HEAR so there will be no excuses for not listening.
 Aunt Kelly, Cousins Cole and Christian
 Naomi, John, Allie and Kelsey
 Gramma Gayla
 Lynn, Katie, Tim and Lex

Galen and Nicole (Nurse, pregnant with Mia's soon-to-be new boyfriend Levi).

 Cheryl (midwife)

Family of FIVE!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Welcomed with love,

6-11-12 (big brother Nate's 7th birthday!)
8 lbs 2oz, 21 inches
Miss Mia. Your birth story.  
Mommy's version.
Mommy went to bed around midnite after a late night Sunday meeting with her fellow midwives.  Not a twinge. No gut feeling. Nothing. Just exhaustion and looking forward to the first day of summer (no school!) for the kids and Nate's birthday the next day.  I awoke around 4am with some patterned contractions about every 6 minutes.  The reality is that I was pry awake every hour to pee and roll over like a cow, but 4am is when I felt the contractions.  I was a little frustrated by this knowing that it was Nate's birthday.  The one day we were trying to avoid for your arrival.  I don't really contract until it's time to have a baby. So, I rolled over and awoke your dad saying, "It's coming today."  His response was one with a little annoyance also saying , "Really?"  Of course everyone and their brother offers to help with the big kids when it's time for birth, but who wants to call anyone in the middle of the night!  I decided to call Gramma Char to come but not to rush.  I figured even if things did fizzle out she could come and spend the day with Nate for his birthday.  With Gramma Char kind-of on the way, I decided to shower and get some things around.  Well, the water broke on the bathroom floor around 4:25a.  This set your father into a panic about needing to be at the hospital.  I, on the other hand, decided to go in to some form of denial that you were really coming as the contractions seemed to shorten a bit with the water leaking. I showered and then called my midwife and she told me she'd meet us at the hospital.  That was two votes for going to the hospital sooner rather than later.  After a brief yet intense discussion on the urgency of the situation all based on the 4 minute stay in Labor & Delivery when your big sister Tessa was born, I was able to convince your father to give me 10 minutes to "figure this out."  (I'm a midwife. Not sure what I was figuring out. It was that denial thing.)  Of course I didn't want to be at the hospital "forever" and your dad just merely wanted to be at the hospital and not delivering a baby with his only training having been with a loaf of bread 7 years ago (Yes. I showed Troy how to deliver a baby when I was pregnant with Nate in the event that the one midwife I did not like was on call when I was in labor). Troy even offered that I didn't have to go into the building and that we could wait in the parking the hospital though.  He pointed to the clock and said, "Fine. You have 10 minutes."  In those 10 minutes I continued to have contractions.  Your father packed up the van, started it, called my mother and told her to put a step on it and plucked the big sibs out of bed.  At the 11th minute, I walked out the door and got in the van.  Nate and Tessa were SOOO excited.  I was breathing through contractions as they asked 10 thousand gazillion questions and sang along to a Strawberry Shortcake DVD (Can hear it now....Straw-b-b-b-berrry. Strawberry Shortcake!). 
Elaine was the midwife on call and she must've remembered Tessa's arrival too because she was waiting in the LOBBY for us!  Of course she planned to greet us at the drop off circle, but I stubbornly made your father park in the lot and planned to stroll in like a normal person.  One can seem rather normal when not having a contraction.  It was so nice to have everyone I knew there to take care of us.  We got to the hospital just after 5am.  We got the presidential suite (not really) and Kari was our nurse (she's awesome!).  I was having terrible splitting back pain.  Elaine checked and I was 7 centimeters dilated.  Elaine was also suspicious that you were posterior (that means you were facing up rather than looking down towards my also usually means much more back pain).  Everyone said, "wow, that's great."  I thought, "That's it."  I mean, your sister nearly fell out.  Some more back splitting contractions got me completely dilated...finally. I have to admit that I had to work to get you out.  I wasn't convinced that you were gonna come out and needed some encouragement from the nurses, midwives and your dad that in fact your head was coming out. I pushed 3 times and was surprised to have them plop you, a surprisingly chubby little girl, onto my chest at 6:15am!  2 intense hours.  Mommy cannot complain and can only hope that you will have similar ease when you have children! 
As per our usual, but of course not as planned (because despite how it always seems to look we DID have a plan!) we rushed to the hospital with children in tow.  Big Sibs Nate and Tessa were given snacks from the patient nourishment room and entertained by the staff nurses in waiting room until Gramma Char arrived.  Gramma Char arrived about 5 minutes before the birth.  Apparently enough time to take some pictures...of the Tessa in the bathroom?  Weird.

Proud Dad. Careful you'll hurt her poor lil eyes with the reflection from that grin!

Nate spotted his mound of loot on the way out of the house that morning.  So, the excitement of a new sibling wore off a little quickly and he wanted to get home to check out his presents.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Nate!

A little belated.  Remember that recent picture of me about ready to pop?  Well, I did. On the ONE DAY we DIDN'T want it to happen.  Nate's 7th birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATE!  We got you a new little sister!  Seriously.  Lucky for Nate (and his parents) our tradition is to wake up to presents like Christmas morning and enjoy birthday cake for breakfast.  So we had everything in order including a mound of presents and Tigers cupcakes for the big 7 year old.  After a quick, very early morning trip to the hospital for the birth of his new sister he returned home courtesy of Gramma Char to a mound of loot fit for any 7 year old boy!  He was most excited about his long awaited hockey gear! (These pics are courtesy of Gramma Char, too!).  So. Take it all in, buddy, cuz you're gonna have to share for the rest of your life.  We have our suspicions that Nate was a little more disappointed in not getting a little 'Denard Robinson' for a new sibling rather than having to share his birthday.  Despite all of the conversations preparing both he and Tessa that we were not sure if the baby would be a boy or girl as well as assuring them the baby would for surely NOT be named Denard Robinson, he walked out the hospital with Gramma Char dumbfounded.  He said to Gramma, " I thought we were getting a boy?"  As if we had just ordered up one baby boy named Denard Robinson and somehow someone at the baby drive thru window messed up our order!

He does look like a hockey player missing those front teeth!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Storm is Over

 The 2012 Storm. Back row L to R, Ryan, Cal, Coach Bavineau, Joey, Nate.  Front row L to R:  Cooper, Cole, Owen, Cameron, Brody, Lucas.
 Nate 6 years old.  49lbs and 50 inches.

The Storm ended their coach-pitch season this weekend.  They finished strong with a win in the losers bracket!  We were fortunate to have a really great group of kids, coaches and families.  One dad took pictures...really awesome pictures...every game so I rarely took my camera.  These are a couple of my favorites.  Nate still loves playing catcher and pitcher. He's a pretty consistent hitter but we've been putting weights on his bat to get a little bit more meat on his bones so that he can slug a home run!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Another DK Graduate

 Miss T has graduated from Developmental Kindergarten! Remember, folks, this is the fancy new-age term for preschool. But, nevertheless, we couldn't be more proud.  She is forever the middle child as we already have to "fit" her graduation in amongst our busy schedule with her brother's baseball games, mom and dad's work obligations and the arrival of her new baby brother or sister.  She's cool with that though.  Tessa can color like no other.  She is friends with everyone. Tessa can read and count much higher than her brother did at this age.  Oh, and now that she has decided to join in on the song and dance performances, well, we have a little shining star. We ate hot dogs and drank lemonade in her honor and moved on to the next event on our busy calendar!

 That's Tessa looking like the Jolly Green Giant in the pink floral dress.
 Whoa!  Is she actually doing the motions?  With some emotion too?
 Miss Heather and Miss Tracy announcing the graduates. Tessa receiving her diploma.
 Tessa and her gal pals of DK.  Left to R: Tessa, Ella, Ruby, Emma and Alex.
 Tessa with Alex (who is looking as cool as ever in her shades!)
The graduate and her proud parents (and baby bro or sis)!  
I'm days away from having a baby here, people.  Try not to stare.