Monday, May 7, 2012

Puck to the face...

Nate lost his front tooth Sunday May 6th!  It's been dangling by a thread of flesh for the last couple of days but he wanted to lose it at school so he could get a tooth treasure box from the principal.  He's come home with blood smeared across his face for the last several days.  On Sunday morning I asked him if I could give it a yank and surprisingly he quickly answered yes.  Well, I plucked it out quite easily.  He instantly ran to the mirror and exclaimed how cool he if, he'd taken a puck to the face, he said!  He was a little disappointed when I reminded him that a big tooth was on it's way to fill in that space.  We tucked the took in his special tooth fairy pouch, set the candle out by the window and lo and behold, in the morning there had been a tooth-cash exchange!  Nate thinks our tooth fairy is a man and a very cheap man at that because he said that all the other kids he knows got $5 for their teeth and he only got $2.  Geesh?!?  Seriously?  Troy and I told him that we only got a quarter for a big tooth!  He's been wiggling all of his other teeth...and, of course, we're keeping our eyes on Miss T to make sure she doesn't start plucking her teeth out of her head!

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