Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day at the Lake!

So, we spent Mother's Day at the lake.  I tried to get a trip in before this baby arrives.  You know, to show off my fantastic Shamu physique to all the neighbors.  Gramma Char and I rolled like princesses that day...yep, making breakfast, lunch and dinner for everyone and cleaning up after everyone.  We did a get a nice boat ride in though...for which we packed the towels, snacks and drinks too. :)  Of course, it wasn't summer time weather but that never keeps the kids from getting in to the water.  I gave strict instructions as to how far out into the water they could go including a firm stance that if they disobeyed I was certainly not jumping in that freezing cold water to save either of them!

 How cute is this little diva in her wet suit?
They're smiling now, but this was the "how far can you push your sister out into the middle of the lake until she panics and screams bloody murder" game.  Great game.  The lifeguard was not pleased.
Look at these little fish? Don't you just wanna fry 'em up and eat 'em?

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