Thursday, May 24, 2012

First Grade Fieldtrip

L to R: Natalie, Miranda, Evan, Nate, Soren & Gerzon

What would a woman that is 37 weeks pregnant want to do on a 90 degree day? Well, chaperon a bunch of first graders on a field trip to the Detroit Zoo, of course!  We all know that I have issues with my deadbeat motherhood and limited availability to volunteer and help at my kids' school.  So I had the time and opportunity and saw no problem with any of this.  I responsibly had a back-up plan with Dad as my understudy (although, in hindsight, my guess is that I pry would've wanted him along with me had I been in labor?!)...anyways.  I got the thrill of riding on a bus...with a gazillion loud and rambunctious first graders.  In the back of the bus, no less.  Haven't been on one of those yellow things in a while, let alone sit in the back of one!  It wasn't the most comfortable ride especially since the driver decided to take the scenic (aka long and lost) route on the way to the zoo.  I think I made a few people nervous with the presence of my solid muscle p90x pregnant abdomen.  No worries though. Not a twinge, cramp or spot. Nothing.  I led my group of kids around like a pro...getting to the lion's den nice and early before it was too hot as well as seeing the newest member of the zoo family, a baby camel that was making local news! And, didn't lose a single kid.  It was a great day.  I think Nate appreciated me being there...because he asked if he had to walk around with me or if he could go with another parent?!  Seriously.

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