Thursday, May 24, 2012

First Grade Fieldtrip

L to R: Natalie, Miranda, Evan, Nate, Soren & Gerzon

What would a woman that is 37 weeks pregnant want to do on a 90 degree day? Well, chaperon a bunch of first graders on a field trip to the Detroit Zoo, of course!  We all know that I have issues with my deadbeat motherhood and limited availability to volunteer and help at my kids' school.  So I had the time and opportunity and saw no problem with any of this.  I responsibly had a back-up plan with Dad as my understudy (although, in hindsight, my guess is that I pry would've wanted him along with me had I been in labor?!)...anyways.  I got the thrill of riding on a bus...with a gazillion loud and rambunctious first graders.  In the back of the bus, no less.  Haven't been on one of those yellow things in a while, let alone sit in the back of one!  It wasn't the most comfortable ride especially since the driver decided to take the scenic (aka long and lost) route on the way to the zoo.  I think I made a few people nervous with the presence of my solid muscle p90x pregnant abdomen.  No worries though. Not a twinge, cramp or spot. Nothing.  I led my group of kids around like a pro...getting to the lion's den nice and early before it was too hot as well as seeing the newest member of the zoo family, a baby camel that was making local news! And, didn't lose a single kid.  It was a great day.  I think Nate appreciated me being there...because he asked if he had to walk around with me or if he could go with another parent?!  Seriously.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Puppy Party!

Tessa's 5th Birthday was celebrated with a circle of girlfriends and playing with puppies?  Seriously.  Does it get any cuter or better than that?  Well, there was a special surprise at The Family Puppy that day and they were housing a handful of kittens. So, we got to snuggle with them too!  And, not only did Troy and I pretty much secure the Parents of the Year Award, it had to have been the easiest party ever!  Troy and I were waiting for our 25% off of your next puppy coupon to be handed over.  I will tell you that it was a close call and in a moment of weakness I could have easily brought home one of those furry little friends.  We all know that I need a hole in my head more than a puppy right now, but boy were they cute as ever! We had our very own personal photographer along with us to capture all the cute moments.  Many, many thanks to you, Lynn.  After playing with a variety of different puppies and the kittens each girl got to 'build a bear' and choose a stuffed animal to make and dress.  That was the take home treat. How sweet! Another, score for mom and dad.  After all that commotion, we headed back to our house for puppy-themed cupcakes, a pinata (b/c we can't have any type of party without a pinata!) and some play time.  Happy Birthday Tessa! What a great day!

 Here are the girls are caged up awaiting the puppies! That's me in the back smiling really big trying to compensate for my giant baby belly.
Nate and Tessa taking the instruction pretty seriously.  Nate was not missing this opportunity to play with puppies...even if it meant hanging out with his sister's friends!  He was thrilled to get the German Shepard puppy all to himself for awhile!
 A wiener puppy!

 Australian Shepard
 Some kinda rat-looking puppy
Kayleigh and Allie and an adorable little puppy!
 Ella and a little fluff ball puppy!
 How much does Alex love this little furball?

Ruby and Emma
T, Alex and rat-looking puppy
 Here are the kids all lined up blessing their animals' 'hearts' before they stuffed them inside at the "build a bear" -like activity.
Here's super dad Troy dressing one of the animals.
Super Dad again with the girls
It's not a party without a pinata!  Of course we had a puppy!  Nate was giving the girls instructions.  I was standing by, probably sweating and short of breath.
 Miss Emma swinging at the puppy. Funny thing was that the pinata "exploded" with candy by being decapitated. 

 Umm.  Please note the puppy paw print cupcakes that I actually made for this event!  They had white filling too...just sayin'. And Miss Tessa opening up way too many toys that she doesn't need.

 The girls headed out to play.  Ava, Allie, Ruby, Emma, Alex and Ella

Friday, May 18, 2012

More on Mother's Day

So, Tessa's teachers did a nice little questionnaire that the kids presented to their respective mothers at the Muffins for Moms celebration at her school this year.  I can't bear not to share Miss Tessa's responses.   In case you have trouble zooming in below is how they read.

What do you love to do most with mom?
What is your mom's name?
Complete the sentence, My mom is as pretty as...
If you could give your mom anything in the world, what would it be?
What do you think your mom did before she had kids?
What is your mom's favorite food/drink?
What kind of stuff is your mom really good at?
How old is your mom?
I know my mom loves me because...

Seriously?!  Now, I'm flattered by being thought of as 14 but as a pretty as a SHEEP!?!  And, I would hope that I have more recognizable skills than writing names?  I guess I should be happy that she didn't say my favorite beverage was beer!  And, yes, Miss Tessa, life WAS a party before kids!  By the way, look closely at the picture.  It's me with a baby in my belly...apparently looking 14 and as pretty as a sheep.  That's Tessa and "her dog" beside me.  Yes, I know.  We don't have a dog.  The good news and quite accurate depiction though is that everyone at least has a smile on their face! I'm not sure if it's because I'm 14 and as pretty as a sheep or if it's because Tessa has a dog?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tessa turns FIVE!

Holy Schnikees our baby is FIVE!  Five years ago she came a-thunderin' into this world and really, she hasn't quieted or slowed down since!  We're so proud of her!  She has the attitude of an 11 year old, the spunk of a 20 yr old, can hold her own against a particular nearly-7 yr old brother and enough love to give anyone that would last for an entire lifetime!  Miss T awoke to blue frosted cupcakes for breakfast and plenty of presents.  One of her favorite presents was a neon "workout tank" (otherwise and more commonly known as a sports bra) and shorts! Her dad was thrilled about that?! :) And, well, she got her own make-up with plenty of blush brushes and a make-up case too.  Mommy is hoping that the case of the missing blush brushes is over now that Tessa has her own fluffy brushes...because we all know that Mommy does quite the face painting and is the next face of Loreal.

 Digging in to her loot first thing.
 Tessa is a whiz at puzzles.

 Can you see the thrill on her face checking out her make-up?!
 Oh, and she got her own duct tape. Tape is pretty important household item around here.  The kids go through rolls of it and are pretty territorial about it.  So, Miss T got cupcake and polka dot tape.
 Cupcakes for breakfast! 
 Singing Happy Birthday to herself!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day at the Lake!

So, we spent Mother's Day at the lake.  I tried to get a trip in before this baby arrives.  You know, to show off my fantastic Shamu physique to all the neighbors.  Gramma Char and I rolled like princesses that day...yep, making breakfast, lunch and dinner for everyone and cleaning up after everyone.  We did a get a nice boat ride in though...for which we packed the towels, snacks and drinks too. :)  Of course, it wasn't summer time weather but that never keeps the kids from getting in to the water.  I gave strict instructions as to how far out into the water they could go including a firm stance that if they disobeyed I was certainly not jumping in that freezing cold water to save either of them!

 How cute is this little diva in her wet suit?
They're smiling now, but this was the "how far can you push your sister out into the middle of the lake until she panics and screams bloody murder" game.  Great game.  The lifeguard was not pleased.
Look at these little fish? Don't you just wanna fry 'em up and eat 'em?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Puck to the face...

Nate lost his front tooth Sunday May 6th!  It's been dangling by a thread of flesh for the last couple of days but he wanted to lose it at school so he could get a tooth treasure box from the principal.  He's come home with blood smeared across his face for the last several days.  On Sunday morning I asked him if I could give it a yank and surprisingly he quickly answered yes.  Well, I plucked it out quite easily.  He instantly ran to the mirror and exclaimed how cool he if, he'd taken a puck to the face, he said!  He was a little disappointed when I reminded him that a big tooth was on it's way to fill in that space.  We tucked the took in his special tooth fairy pouch, set the candle out by the window and lo and behold, in the morning there had been a tooth-cash exchange!  Nate thinks our tooth fairy is a man and a very cheap man at that because he said that all the other kids he knows got $5 for their teeth and he only got $2.  Geesh?!?  Seriously?  Troy and I told him that we only got a quarter for a big tooth!  He's been wiggling all of his other teeth...and, of course, we're keeping our eyes on Miss T to make sure she doesn't start plucking her teeth out of her head!