Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Took the kids to the Detroit Zoo. There is a Dinosaur exhibit that we've been wanting to see. We had sunshine and quite a few animals were out. Mom's complaint though: not enough bathrooms in the joint! Geesh! When you give your kid a large lemonade it's only a matter of time before they have to drain it out. Well, we had to briskly walk through Africa and then around the North Pole and still couldn't find a stinkin' potty. Needless to say we didn't appreciate the animals much on that bend of the tour. Luckily, they warned us before we entered the Dinosaur exhibit that there are no bathrooms inside. The kids loved the dinosaurs. We had a really fun day!

Nate, Tessa & T-Rex
Here's a great lesson for your kids?!? What the heck? A dinosaur that has been attacked by carnivorous dinosaurs! Nate had an answer for nearly all gazillion questions that Tessa asked.
Tessa is screeching like a Pterodactyl in this picture.
Standing in a rib cage of a dinosaur!
Putting together a dinosaur puzzle just like a paleontologist.
My little Inuits.
Tessa got a White Tiger and Nate got a Zebra as a souvenir and reward for good behavior.

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