Friday, July 8, 2011

Go Tigers!

We had a small stretch of vacation over the holiday weekend and started it off with a Tigers game at Comerica Park with the Amy, Bubba & kiddos. It was a scorcher! Good thing the beers were cold and Troy and Bubba's pockets were deep! At one point Tessa got so hot that she decided to shed her jersey and was watching the game shirtless in her mini-denim skirt. She's been in to wearing jewelry lately. So, how I noticed that her shirt was off was because I noticed a little shimmer in the corner of my eye and it was one of my diamond necklaces shining in the sun against Tessa's bare chest! Go Tigers!

Awwh. Family picture. Although I think it's kind of funny because it looks as if that kitty does not want to be seen with us! It's eyes must have been burning from our beauty!?

Love T's forced smile here. She's like, "Mom, it's a gazillion degrees and I want cotton candy and all you keep doing is taking my picture."
If you look closely you can see the silver chain around Tessa's neck! She has expensive taste!
Nate discovered soaking his hat in the drinking fountain water was a good way to keep cool!

Look at those red cheeks!

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