Monday, June 20, 2011

Watch out Pamela Anderson...

....there's new beach babe in town! I dragged Miss Tessa to our cousin Lauren's bridal shower this past weekend. It was about as thrilling as bridal showers get, of course. I had promised Miss T as a reward for her good behavior that we would hit the beach after the party. Well, with about 3 presents to go at the party there was a rumble of thunder and downpour followed a few minutes later. Despite the persistent rain I kept my promise and we went to the beach. No worries, there was no lightning or thunder! Miss Tessa had a ball running up and down the beach. She chased sea gulls and dodged the dead fish washed ashore of Lake Erie. Seriously, it's a little disturbing to see the amount of dead fish on the shoreline. And, then, of course, I let my daughter romp around in the potentially toxic waters!? You can see in the pictures that the water was pretty rough. Tessa kept begging me to take her in the deep end. She was lucky I was cool enough to take her to the beach in the rain, I wasn't getting in the freezing, rough water! She's looking forward to going back with Gramma Char in July.

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