Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day 2010

Turkey Day usually means trekking back to Ohio for us. Traditionally we go to the gun club with the Weasels but this year Uncle John and Aunt Deb were visiting from Las Vegas. We got up, watched the parade, watched Tessa change clothes about 10 times, gathered our contributions to the feast and hit the road to Huron to Aunt Mar and Uncle Steve's to hang with the O'Haras. We proceeded to gorge ourselves all day as most Americans do on this glorious day.

N Grandkiddos: Molly (4), Paige (13), Nate (5), Zack (7), Tessa (3), Kendall (5)
Gramma Char (who is recovering from her shoulder surgery), Papa Hara, John, Mar, Deb (I will be respectful and not list their ages!)
Molly, Tessa and Kendall
Mar and Tessa
Papa Hara and Uncle John
Paige and Lauren
Uncle Steve, Uncle John and Papa Kenny chillaxin'.
This was one of Reba/Tessa's outfit changes prior to our departure. Tights, tutu, no shirt, 2 head bands and pom poms. Very practical for a thanksgiving feast. We settled on the dress in the previous pictures. A little formal for our style but at least she had her belly covered!

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