Monday, November 22, 2010

Kindergarten Parent-Teacher Conference

We had Nate's Parent-Teacher Conference this week. Nate is doing well academically. Apparently apples don't fall far from the tree. And this time Mom is the tree or rotten apple whichever way you look at it. We're having a little trouble in the 'self-control' category. Mom was notorious for talking, not paying attention, being distracted, etc, etc...but she turned out all right relatively speaking. Nate got remarks from his Kindergarten teacher as well as his gym and art teacher about listening and sitting still. We were pretty impressed that his library/media and music teacher didn't mention this behavior problem though! Nate has a lot of energy as most 5 year old boys do. Having ants in his pants and being easily distracted has earned him a special seat right in front of the teacher on the rug. He embraces this special seat as he is sure to tell the other kids to move when they are sitting in his spot, his teacher says. We're hoping to work on his focus. And, I'm sure these tactics will involve bribery.

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