Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve 2012!

 The Rosebrook's came up to celebrate the New Year with us.  Since there was snow, the big and little boys headed out to ski for the day.  The girls stuck around the house but didn't stay cooped up inside.

 Kendall, Molly and Tessa busily building a snowman

 Kendall, Snowman, Tessa and Molly
 Miss Tessa                                                       Miss Mia

 And, Miss Mia is just abandoned to chill in her stroller.

 The party got started early and last late!  Nate and Zack doing Gangnam Style dance!

 Tessa joins in on the Gangnam Style dancing!
 Kendall ready to party at midnite!
 Molly at minutes to midnite!
Even Mia got out of bed to come join us ring in the new year!
And we were all in bed at 10 after midnite!  shewsh.

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