Friday, October 26, 2012

Go Tigers!

The Detroit Tigers are in the playoffs...and Mia couldn't be more excited about it!
So excited.
For the record Mommy had a really cute Tigers curly-q bow on that headband to feminize this tubby little spitting image of her big brother.  BUT, big sis Tessa took it off her head and proceeded to run over it with the 4wheeler.  Not kidding.  So, we went for the Jane Fonda sweat band look since she's wearing a boy shirt!
Tessa decided she wanted a picture with her sister after all.  Doesn't Mia look thrilled?  Mia much preferred watching Tessa whiz by on the 4 wheeler than Tessa smothering her all up in her junk!
Look at lil Miss Sassy Pants tearing it up on the 4 wheeler.

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